All Papers
Conferences, workshops and seminars presentations
WCO IOF-ESCEO 2022 – Part 2
Paper on ‘Bone microarchitectural parameters in postmenopausal women with prevalent fracture: A HR-pQCT characterization’ Presented by O. Malle et al. from the Medizinische Universität Graz (MUG - AT) and the Universiteit Gent [...]
WCO IOF-ESCEO 2022 – Part 1
Paper on ‘Discordance between the Frax risk scores with and without BMD in identigying high risk populations in Iran: The PoCOsteo study’ Presented by N. Fahimfar et al. from the Endocrinology and [...]
Paper on ‘The trabecular bone score is associated with bone mineral density, and markers of bone turnover in non-obese subjects: The Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program’ Presented by S. Gharibzadeh et al. [...]
WCO IOF-ESCEO 2020 – Part 2
: Paper on ‘Evaluating bone quality and bone mass in patients with Type 2 diabetes and oral glucocorticoid therapy: The Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program’ Presented by S. Gharibzadeh et al. from [...]
WCO IOF-ESCEO 2020 – Part 1
Paper on ‘The trabecular bone score is associated with bone mineral density, and markers of bone turnover in non-obese subjects: The Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program’ Presented by S. Gharibzadeh et al. [...]
WCO IOF-ESCEO 2019 – part 4
Association of 25-Hydroxy vitamin D with bone turnover markers and bone mineral density in an Iranian elderly population: Busher Elderly Health (BEH) Programs Paper on ‘Association of 25-Hydroxy vitamin D with [...]
WCO IOF-ESCEO 2019 – part 3
Association between bone turnover markers and BMD and TBS in the lumbar area in elderly women: Busher Elderly Health (BEH) Program Paper on ‘Association between bone turnover markers and BMD and [...]
WCO IOF-ESCEO 2019 – part 2
Pre-analytical variability of bone turnover markers in an elderly population in Iran: Busher Elderly Health (BEH) Program Paper on ‘Pre-analytical variability of bone turnover markers in an elderly population in Iran: [...]
World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal diseases 2019 in Paris
The reference values of bone turnover marker PINP and the effect of circadian rhythm on its value in healthy elderly population: A systematic review and meta-analysis Paper on ‘The reference [...]